Inflammation and autoimmune inflammation

An inflammation is a healing process in the body. The inflammation can be caused by an infection (microorganisms have come inside the body by a wound or by any mucous membrane) or by an uninfectious injury, like a smash, a monoton wear, overload and so on. The immune system works actively to process foreign microbs or to heal an injury. The five signs of inflammation are heat, pain, redness, edema, and loss of function.

Pain is also a signal that the body part is overstretched and needs rest to heal. Inflammation is a natural and important process for healing.

Something that is not as positive is autoimmune conditions. Then, the immune system is overactive, and inflammations are triggered in multiple random places. This is often an inherited tendency to inflammation or related to lifestyle. Some diet provides an overactive immune system and then the body will look for something to attack. A common problem is sugar which activates inflammation.

Milk protein and gluten protein (wheat, barley, oats, and rye) can also get out through the intestine and be found in the body in the wrong place and therefore get the immune system to begin inflammations throughout the body. There are theories that gluten is also a cause of autoimmune hypothyroidism, where thyroid tissue is reminiscent of the gluten protein. The body is “trained” to react to gluten and will willingly attack its thyroid gland as well.

You could say that Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and Omega 6 triggers it.

Omega 6, we get from grain, so all the foods based on flour and semolina increases the degree of inflammation. Omega 3 on the other side absorbs. That particular fatty acid may be a little hard to ingest as it easily turns rancid.

One study showed that organic free-range eggs contain large amounts of Omega3, especially if the chickens are offered flaxseed. The factory produced eggs contained almost no Omega3.

An inflammation can become chronic in the parts that are damaged and not healed completely. If, for example, muscles go into spasm and the nervous system does not come out of this condition, the function in the area will deteriorate steadily and healing will become more and more difficult. There can be latent inflammation for a very long time. This will often heal up if treated and the area will regain normal function and circulation.

If the Inflammation is the result of an overactive immune system, however, caused either by the autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc.) problems will probably come back soon.

Summary regarding inflammation

We can conclude that inflammations can be difficult to understand and cure. A body with a low degree of general inflammation will be more durable and not create inflammation in the joints and muscles in the same way as those who have an overactive immune system.

Some people get violent pain after a walk with pains and inflammation of the hip joints and knees. Others can overload the body very hard with just a little common soreness in the muscles.

It may be helpful to understand the genesis of inflammations to provide advice to clients who are not easy to treat. Sometimes they will not be healed at all when something constantly triggers inflammation and causes the body to react to stress.

We cannot exclude the entire load on our bodies, but we feel good from exercise, and we need to make an effort to build strength and keep us moving. But, with a high degree of general inflammation, the body will not withstand the load without starting to hurt.

To train with inflammation is never good or fun. It is better to avoid applying load until the inflammation is gone and the body can tolerate exercise. Pain is a good tell on the degree of inflammation. As well as heat and swelling.

Inflammation often heals when we treat it with increasing mobility and circulation. But with the overactive immune system the body will probably build new problems after some time. It may be useful to the point that out to customers so that they will not be disappointed by the treatment.

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