Fascia Academy – Gain knowledge about the body in a simple way
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The Fascia Guide and Fascia Research Database are parts of an educational project aimed at providing knowledge about the body in an accessible way. This leads to people becoming better at taking care of themselves, resulting in more secure, happier, healthier individuals, empowering their own lives and health.
Your donation, no matter how big or small, will enable us to spread knowledge about the living body in a simple way.
The donations we receive will help us get more things done as we will be able to spend more time on research and new projects. In short – The Fascia Guide gets a higher priority.
There are so many things we would like to do but we simply don’t have time for it at the moment as we have other commitments as well.
Supporting The Fascia Guide is super easy
Lär dig vad en kropp är, hur den fungerar, hur du tar hand om den och hur du hjälper andra människor att må bättre. Alla kurser är digitala och du går dem i din egen takt.
Important antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress.
Why do all “experts” on TV say that we don’t need or that it’s harmful to take extra vitamin C?
C-vitamin kan inte tillverkas av människokroppen utan måste tillföras genom mat och kosttillskott. Är viktigt för att bibehålla ett bra immunförsvar & behovet ökar drastiskt vid fysisk eller psykisk stress
Kollagen är kroppens vanligaste protein och bygger upp all struktur i kroppen. Det bygger upp skelett, all typ av Fascia som senor, ligament, ledkapslar, hud, blodkärl, lymfkärl, nervtrådar m.m. Kollagen är livsviktigt för en fungerande Fascia och därmed för en fungerande kropp.
MSM contains sulfur which is needed to build up important amino acids in the body.
Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect
Vitamin C has many different actions in the body. It is a coenzyme, which assist in various physiological processes in the body and it is a powerful antioxidant.
There are eight different B-vitamins, all of which are necessary for the body’s functioning and they interact extensively with each other.
Today’s lifestyle contributes to many people suffering from various nutrient deficiencies. This is primarily influenced by what we eat and drink, as well as factors such as stress levels, sleep patterns, exercise habits, and whether we spend time outdoors or indoors.
Important antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress.
Recent research in recent years shows that Fascia has a much greater significance for health, aches, and pain than previously believed.
Resveratrol är en kraftfull antioxidant som hjälper till att stärka immunförsvaret och skydda kroppens celler mot för tidigt åldrande, motverkar klimakteriebesvär med förbättrad kollagenproduktion och bentäthet. Resveratrol har även virushämmande och cancerhämmande egenskaper.
In the public healthcare system, there is often a cool attitude towards nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals.
Quercetin är en flavonoid och kraftig antioxidant, som finns naturligt i många färgstarka växter, till exempel lök och kapris. Den hör också till en grupp av växter som kallas fytoestrogener, som är växter som innehåller substanser som kemiskt liknar östrogen. Dessa fytoestrogener har då östrogenliknande effekt i kroppen och kan därför påverka kvinnor i och efter klimakteriet på ett positivt sätt och minska klimakteriebesvär.
Glutathione helps strengthen the immune system and protect the body, and is necessary for other antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin C to function effectively.
The body needs Omega-3 fatty acids but cannot produce them on its own.
Collagen is the most common protein in our body and makes up most of our body’s structures such as fascia, bone tissue, cartilage, blood vessels, lymph vessels, eyes, skin, nails, and more.
“Fascia – The Body’s Network Without Beginning or End” is a documentary about how new research profoundly changes the way we look at the living human body.
To feel good, we need an adequate intake of nutrients. With an increasingly nutrient-poor diet, higher levels of stress, and sedentary lifestyles, we need to do more to take care of our Fascia.
Contributes to good intestinal flora, which is important for the immune system. Probiotics counteract mental illness by contributing to a good intestinal flora
Important mineral for the immune system and it affects fertility and sex drive
Ascorbic acid is an organic acid that was discovered in the 1920s by Albert von Szent Györgyi, who extracted it from peppers.
Formed in our skin with the help of sunlight and it is almost impossible to get enough in the north during most of the year
Diseases are an excess of oxidation – Redox physiology is an excess of oxidation greater than reduction.
Sugar, coffee and alcohol impair absorption and can cause magnesium deficiency
Kollagen är kroppens vanligaste protein och bygger upp det mesta i vår kropp, Fascia, benvävnad, brosk, blodkärl, lymfkärl, ögon, hud, naglar, mm, mm.