
The Fascia contains a variety of receptors, along longer paths, between the vertebrae, along the muscles and so on. These receptors read and indicate the position in which we are and how tissues are stretched. When overstretching we feel a burning sensation. Both muscles and connective tissue can be overstretched, which especially damages the muscle fibers that are overstretched. The reaction to such an injury is usually subsequent cramping of the area around the damage.

Impaired position detection is often the reason that we easily overextend and hurt ourselves in the areas previously hardened. In places where the body has become stiff and numb the nervous system cannot signal the situation as quickly as it should so that we can control our movements.

This can of course be avoided by ergonomically balanced movements where we just move as fast and advanced as we feel that our body can handle that particular day. It is often under stress or carelessness that we fail to do this and harm ourselves.
Therefore, classical connective tissue massage does not work particularly well. It burns and causes awful pain. Vibrations that restore the Fascia’s fluid balance and mobility are far more comfortable.

Problems linked to Fascia


One can distinguish between damage caused by wear and strain and injuries that come from external trauma or accidents. An uncertain cause on the scale is the accidents that occur due to a body having reduced function over a longer period and that is damaged as a result of that.

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Is your Fascia acidic?

When the food we eat is metabolized, metabolites are formed. The metabolites can be acidic or alkaline, depending on what we eat.

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Scar tissue

As the body builds scar tissue after damage to the skin, scar tissue build up in the Fascia inside the body when it is damaged. Therefore, we can get a chronic reduction in movement inside after an operation in which the Fascia is sewn together.

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Problems linked to Fascia

Fascia is a system of flexible connective tissue encapsulating everything in the body. If the system is running smoothly, all is fine, but when some parts become stiff, tense or inflamed, there will be consequences.

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Can you heal osteoarthritis?

The function of the articular cartilage is to reduce friction between the two articular cartilage surfaces and facilitate sliding when the joint moves, and to absorb the load when the joint is exposed to pressure, compression

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Shock absorption

Thanks to the linked connective tissues, we can absorb a shock throughout the body. A blow to the foot from a stone can thus provide an impact at the end of that connective chain, right up to the base of the skull.

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In places where the body has become stiff and numb the nervous system cannot signal the situation as quickly as it should so that we can control our movements.

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Growing interest in Fascia treatment: “Fascia problems are often under diagnosed”

David Lesondak is a structural integrator and a myofascial specialist who has been working for many years trying to explain what fascia is, as well as the benefits you get from treating different problems with fascia treatment. In an interview at the Fascia Research Congress in Berlin 2018, he describes the basics of what fascia is and what challenges it is facing in the strive for recognition in the medical field.

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Straining – Lumbago

Lumbago follows the same pattern as hyper-extension. We usually have built up tension and stiffness that eventually impair the reaction of the nerves and muscles of the rigid area.

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Hypermobile people build up enormous tension in their muscles that give painful tension in the joint, and they often get nerves pinched.

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What causes back pain?

New research shows that low back pain is caused by inflammation in the Fascia. But why are we getting low back pain and what happens in our body when we get back pain?

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Oxidative stress – Is your body also rusting?

Oxidative stress – Is your body also rusting? Join the Fascia Conversation Today! Listen to the world’s number one Fascia podcast here Get the FREE Fascia Guide Method here Watch the celebrated Fascia documentary here As the cells in the body metabolize the food we eat and convert it into energy (ATP) in the mitochondria,…

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