Stretching the fascia is vital when recovering from injury

  • David Lesondak is a structural integrator and a myofascial specialist who has been working for many years trying to explain what fascia is, as well as the benefits you get from treating different problems with fascia treatment.
  • In an interview at the Fascia Research Congress in Berlin 2018, he describes how stretching the fascia is vital for rehabilitation from injury

Transcript from the David Lesondak interview

The cells that build up collagen needs to move in order to decide whether to build up more collagen or take away collagen.

So the less you move the more collagen you build up and the harder it is for
you to move.

The less you move the more everything in your body starts to function not so well. The more elastic, resilient and flexible you can be.

Generally speaking that’s good for every system in your body, every cell in your body and it’s a self-replicating process.

I have in a rehab situation after an acute injury you want to be exercising as soon as it’s possible to do so, because that will actually help the healing process. But if you have a fascial condition, where something is stuck and you’re exercising. So if I can do this with my dumbbell that’s different than doing this with my dumbbell, but if my shoulder won’t completely move, I may have to do that and then I’m not really exercising everything in the full range
that’s available to it.

So if you can only stretch that much and then I get you to stretch that much and then you keep stretching that much you don’t need me after a while, because the cells in your body go okay we want to stretch more.

Ultimately it comes down to the therapist. If you go to see the therapist you should have a result you notice in that first treatment.