Vibrations and fascia
Rhythmic and dynamic moments, actually different vibrations, have been a cornerstone of osteopathic treatment since the late 1800s when Andrew Taylor Still founded osteopathy. Still and his early students used dynamic and periodic mobilizations in their treatments. Vibrations can be performed with hands or with the help of mechanical tools. Robert Fulford introduced his “percussion hammer” in the 1950s, which has since been further developed.
Vibrations have a significant effect on the body’s flow in the fascia, the extracellular matrix with its ground substance or interstitium. Proper flow is important for cellular metabolism, for the exchange of nutrients and waste, for the lymphatic system’s transport of fluid, immune cells, proteins, and other molecules, for the circulation of blood, for the functioning of the nervous and respiratory systems, and more. The flow in the fascia affects and is affected by specific properties of the components that make up the extracellular matrix and also has piezoelectric effects on the body.
Thanks to the continuous connectivity of Fascia, every movement, load or restriction in one part of the body affects the whole body. The movement or load is not an isolated phenomenon. Whether the load in an area is due to physical injury or chemical influence, it will affect and alter the properties of Fascia, such as viscosity and composition, leading to reduced mobility and densification with impaired function for enzymes and endocrine secretion. The balance of the whole body is thus disturbed and normal bodily functions are impaired. Ultimately, this causes inflammation and disease.
Vibrations can create opportunities for the body to regain balance, and improved flow can provide opportunities for recovery and self-healing. A free flow without restrictions facilitates movement and all functions of the body as a complex, integrated whole. For all functions, with all enzymes and coenzymes, etc. in the body to function, all components and building blocks must also be present in sufficient quantities, i.e. adequate nutrient intake. A deficiency of a small mineral or a vitamin can spoil an entire chain of reactions, disrupt a number of functions, and upset the body’s homeostasis, leading to disease.