Is your Fascia acidic?
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When the food we eat is metabolized, metabolites are formed. The metabolites can be acidic or alkaline, depending on what we eat. In order to keep a stable and functioning acid-alkaline balance, the body regulates this by a number of buffer systems. It is important to keep the pH of the serum within a narrow range, 7.35-7.45, for us to function and feel good. If the pH varies outside the range, you become seriously ill. It is more common to suffer from too low pH, acidosis, than too high, alkalosis. Metabolic acidosis is another state, caused by a predominant acid forming diet, but this is not an illness.
The kidneys are important for the acid-alkaline balance and they help to carry acidic and alkaline substances out of the body via the urine and the lungs release carbon dioxide (weak volatile acid) via the exhaled air. We can also sweat out acidic metabolites, which means a strong odorous sweat. As we get older the capacity of the kidneys will decrease.
If we eat a lot of acidifying food, which is very common in a western diet, acidic metabolites can accumulate in the tissue and give rise to metabolic acidosis. When the kidneys have reached their maximum capacity to remove acids, acidic metabolites instead begin to accumulate in connective tissue and skeleton, ie in the Fascia. However, the change in blood pH is very small.
Accumulation of acids in the Fascia means that its properties will be impaired. Viscosity increases, densification can occur, and the sliding properties will deteriorate and can give rise to back pain etc. As well a variety of diseases are suggested to be associated with metabolic acidosis, such as cancer, kidney stones and decalcification of the skeleton/osteoporosis. Metabolic acidosis is also considered to have many more negative effects, such as speeding up aging, promoting inflammation, fatigue, impairing immune system, increasing fat storage and reducing the secretion of thyroid hormones. Our intestinal flora is also affected by what we eat, and the metabolism by microbes is of great importance for our immune system and health. Research shows that a Western diet (more acidic) benefits more pathogenic microbial genera than an African diet with more vegetables and plant fibers.
What should we eat then, to not get an acidic Fascia?
In principle, fruits and vegetables, except for protein rich legumes, are alkaline forming, while foods rich in protein, such as meat, fish, dairy products and cereals are acidifying. Sugar, coffee and alcohol also have a strongly acidifying effect. A moderate intake of protein rich foods along with lots of vegetables to balance acid formation can promote better health.
The food’s own pH says nothing about its alkaline or acidifying properties. It is what is formed in the metabolism that is crucial. For example, lemon and lime are alkaline forming, but acidic themselves. Fruits and vegetables with a high content of sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium have an alkaline forming effect. Food rich in sulfur and phosphorus are acid forming.
If the vegetables have grown in acidic soils, with pH below 6, which unfortunately is often the case today, they contain less minerals as calcium and magnesium and are therefore less alkaline forming. Since conventional agriculture is fertilized with chemical fertilizers of the type NPK, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, this results in acidic and depleted soils with lack of important minerals. Organically grown crops have a better mineral composition.
How can I find out if I am acidic?
A simple test of the pH of the urine with a litmus paper, with morning urine, can give a good picture of the body’s acid-alkaline balance. A good value should be between pH 6.5 – 7.5, below 6.5 indicates metabolic acidosis. If the pH is above 7.5, it in turn indicates such a strong acidification that the body has begun to break down muscles to form ammonium (from the amino acid glutamine), which is strongly alkaline, all to try to neutralize the excess acid. The result is that the urine shows a high pH, but the body is strongly acidified!
What do I do if I am acidic?
If you are young and healthy and eat a lot of vegetables in your daily diet, the body’s buffer systems certainly are able to neutralize a predominant acid forming diet. A large meat consumption, protein- and energy-dense food with a little fruit and vegetables can in the long run give metabolic acidosis, even if you are young and healthy. To reduce acid formation and neutralize pH, you should switch to a lot of vegetables, and reduce meat consumption. Exclude or reduce the amount of sugar, coffee and alcohol. When you change your diet to be more alkaline forming It may take several weeks to neutralize the acid-alkaline balance in the body. Some supplements, such as a half to one teaspoon sodium bicarbonate, may help during a cure of a couple of weeks. Keep track of the change in urine pH! Then, continuing to eat a lot of vegetables is beneficial in many ways. Regular treatment of the Fascia also helps to keep the fluid flow and clear out acidic waste products.