Fascia helps us understand the body as a whole
The body is quite incredible.
If you take a ballet dancer, a gymnast or a drummer and study their movement, feeling, timing, it is easy to be fascinated by how fast it is.
When we add to that what we know about the body today, we have about 37 trillion cells and 100 000 proteins, enzymes and hormones that interact with each other, in no time at all, in order to control and manage the body. We also know that 40-100000 new cells are created every minute.
How does it happen? How does the body really work? How do we combine these elements into a whole?
Ever since Descartes in the 1600s, we have taken apart and studied the parts, which taught us a great deal about the body and nature, to the smallest particle. But, in physics which constantly explores the universe, this knowledge of micro always has to work with the universe at large.
However in terms of biology, much of what we now know about the body does not go together with the old model. The universe we see as a whole, composed of parts that integrate – but when it comes to the body we still see the parts and we tend to avoid an overall perspective. We believe that a superficial laceration heals, but we find it hard to believe that a wound heals inside. We have difficulty understanding that how you eat, move and live your life also affects how you feel – and we have the most difficult to understand that the head and the body are actually linked together and that your thoughts affect your physical health.
The view on the Fascia has gone from “something that was just there” to “being everything”
This is where the Fascia comes into the picture, for a big reason, which is that until now we have not explored the Fascia and we simply cut through it. But how can you view the body as a whole if you cut apart and divide? The Fascia was for a long time seen as something that “was just there”
“For several hundred years, anatomists and surgeons like me have neglected this tissue (Fascia) since it does not seem to be something that is there. But the fact is that it is not just something – it is everything! “- Dr. Jean Claude Guimberteau
When we began to realize that the Fascia may have a function after all we began research. With new technologies such as ultrasound and cameras that can shoot live tissue under the skin the understanding of the Fascia’s function gradually increased – and with it a greater understanding of the body as a whole began to emerge.
Fascia is a network of connective tissue that envelops everything in the whole body, from muscles and bones to organs and cells. It is the “suit”, “body stocking” that keeps all parts of the body in place, which facilitates movement, posture, balance, and allows us to cope with the pressure of gravity.
Do we really have 600 muscles? Or is it one big muscle, a body stocking, with 600 pockets or bags of the Fascia?
The Fascia facilitates all communications between every single body part. There are 6 times more nerve receptors in the Fascia than in the muscles, Fascia exists in solid form, in liquid form (extra-cellular fluid) and communication in the Fascia is 15 times faster than in the nervous system.
This is where we have our entire intelligence, intuition and feeling, an extension of the brain, if you will – this is what makes the body one whole, and not a lot of parts.
Fascia does not only envelope the whole body, it turns the way we look at it upside down” – Tom Myers
We strive to always be at the forefront of new technology and new knowledge. Our ambition is to make it as easy as possible for you to understand this paradigm shift. We have read hundreds of research papers and kept abreast to understand and communicate all the fascinating research on the Fascia to provide knowledge of the body in a simple way.
The more we learn the more we realize that we do not understand.
The understanding of Fascia is constantly changing and it is not certain that everything we believe that we know today valid tomorrow – what we do know is that it looks like what we previously thought was wrong – and we eagerly look forward to learning new things and learning more.