Fluid flow in the fascia & how it is affected by treatment & vibrations

It has been found that in the connective tissue there are six times more neurons than in for example muscles. There are neurons for both pain reception and position determination. These neurons are affected by vibrations and varied movement. (1)

Recently, a German researcher showed that the connective tissue in a human transports 15 l of water in 48 hours, which is a relatively large amount compared to for example the amount of blood and the lymphatic system. (2)

There are several studies showing that manual therapy largely involves the movement of water in tissue. In many trials, it has been shown that in manual therapy it is not about tissue processing, but about increasing the flow of water in the tissue. (3, 4). The same report shows that by using static vibration we can increase the flow of fluid in the tissue from 3-12 times depending on the frequency.


(1) Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation- Part 1 (Shleip 2002), (2) Looking in particular at flow of fluid through that tissue (Reed 2011), (3) Mathematical Analysis of the Flow of Hyaluronic Acid Around Fascia During (Roma et al 2013), (4) A theoretical framework for the role of fascia in manual therapy (Simmonds et al 2010)

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    By Axel Bohlin Founder & Editor, The Fascia Guide
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    About Dr. Robert Schleip, Director of the Fascia Research Group at the University of Ulm