Problems linked to Fascia

Fascia is a system of flexible connective tissue surrounding everything in the body. If the system is supple and running smoothly, all is fine, but when some parts become stiff, tense or inflamed, there will be consequences.

Many problems can be linked to the Fascia since it is such a critical part of our metabolism, stabilizing function, musculoskeletal system, has a force-transferring effect as well as helps us know our position.

The Fascia’s status affects our general health and the well-being of the body. A fault may give troublesome pain conditions that are difficult to get out of.

On this page we have gathered lots of information about different problems and health conditions and how they are connected to the Fascia.

What causes back pain?

New research shows that low back pain is caused by inflammation in the Fascia. But why are we getting low back pain and what happens in our body when we get back pain?

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Oxidative stress – Is your body also rusting?

Oxidative stress – Is your body also rusting? Join the Fascia Conversation Today! Listen to the world’s number one Fascia podcast here Get the FREE Fascia Guide Method here Watch the celebrated Fascia documentary here As the cells in the body metabolize the food we eat and convert it into energy (ATP) in the mitochondria,…

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Is your Fascia acidic?

When the food we eat is metabolized, metabolites are formed. The metabolites can be acidic or alkaline, depending on what we eat.

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Growing interest in Fascia treatment: “Fascia problems are often under diagnosed”

David Lesondak is a structural integrator and a myofascial specialist who has been working for many years trying to explain what fascia is, as well as the benefits you get from treating different problems with fascia treatment. In an interview at the Fascia Research Congress in Berlin 2018, he describes the basics of what fascia is and what challenges it is facing in the strive for recognition in the medical field.

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