Growing interest in Fascia treatment: “Fascia problems are often under diagnosed”

  • David Lesondak is a structural integrator and a myofascial specialist who has been working for many years trying to explain what fascia is, as well as the benefits you get from treating different problems with fascia treatment.
  • In an interview at the Fascia Research Congress in Berlin 2018, he describes the basics of what fascia is and what challenges it is facing in the strive for recognition in the medical field.

Transcript from the David Lesondak interview

I have been dealing with chronic pain issues for 25 years now, and I was a manual therapist for a good ten of them and once I discovered fascia work, I realized this was a much more reliable, effective and repeatable way to help people with their chronic pain problems and resolve them. Actually get them to go away and stay away, and that’s why I think it’s so important for people to know this.

The fascia has been a very neglected part of medicine for a very very long time. In the United States it’s still an outlier but it’s becoming increasingly more recognized as a vital player, and a lot of musculoskeletal disorders because it’s not so well understood.

Fascia problems are often under diagnosed, but as more research is coming in as conferences like this. A rising tide lifts all boats, kind of thing.

More and more people are recognizing that this is important and we need to be paying attention to it what I see in the United States is in the fitness world it is starting to catch on and that’s good because sometimes it’s the consumers that drive the change not the educators.

But if you look at the history of medicine if you look at the history of science. Big Ideas take time to evolve before they actually catch hold. And then as we learn more those old ideas slowly begin to change as we add more to it. It’s just, natural evolution of science and medicine is by its nature very slow.