Vibrations and fascia
Rhythmic and dynamic moments, actually different vibrations, have been a cornerstone of osteopathic treatment since the late 1800s when Andrew Taylor Still founded osteopathy.
Rhythmic and dynamic moments, actually different vibrations, have been a cornerstone of osteopathic treatment since the late 1800s when Andrew Taylor Still founded osteopathy.
Diseases are an excess of oxidation – Redox physiology is an excess of oxidation greater than reduction.
Fascia research has sparked an ongoing global revolution in the anatomical research field. In The Fascia Guide Research Database we have gathered hundreds of research articles about fascia.
During the last couple of years we have developed a simple but powerful method of communication, used by hundreds of health professionals, to inspire their customers & improve relations.
“Fascia – The Body’s Network Without Beginning or End” is a documentary about how new research profoundly changes the way we look at the living human body.
Proprioception is often described as the innate ability to sense the body’s position in relation to the environment and space, also known as spatial awareness. It’s a vital skill for all humans and animals, but it can vary in quality and it can be improved
“Fascia and the Living Body” is a document about the scientific understanding of the body as a living whole.
Fascian skapar ett tredimensionellt nätverk i kroppen, av omväxlande lös och tät bindväv, som möjliggör att alla celler och organsystem i kroppen kan samarbeta som en integrerad helhet.
Allt liv kräver vatten, det vet alla! Våra kroppar innehåller mellan 60 – 80% vatten, beroende på ålder, kön och kroppsfett. Vatten är så vanligt och självklart för oss att det på något vis har blivit ointressant, lite för enkelt för att forska på.
Banbrytande ny forskning visar hur kollagenproduktionen över hela kroppen påverkas av könshormoner, som t ex östrogen. Läs mer här