Common deficiencies

Today’s lifestyle contributes to many people suffering from various nutrient deficiencies. This is primarily influenced by what we eat and drink, as well as factors such as stress levels, sleep patterns, exercise habits, and whether we spend time outdoors or indoors.

Many of us consume a lot of processed and pre-packaged foods, which have lost a significant amount of nutrients along the way to our kitchens. Unfortunately, they often also contain less healthy additives that can further impact nutrient absorption. Heating and handling of ingredients during cooking also contribute to the destruction of much of the nutrient content. Additionally, soils have become increasingly depleted, partly due to acidification and the use of commercial fertilizers, resulting in lower mineral content in crops.

Stress, lack of sleep, excessive coffee consumption, alcohol, exposure to pollutants, and other factors can deplete certain nutrients more rapidly, such as vitamin C and magnesium. In such cases, it is nearly impossible to meet the body’s needs through diet alone. The body consumes more vitamin C as stress levels increase, and it would take 40-80 oranges to obtain a daily intake that corresponds to the normal requirements for many mammals (most animals produce their own vitamin C as needed, which humans cannot do). Furthermore, a deficiency or excess of one substance can lead to a deficiency of another. For example, excessive calcium intake (from consuming a lot of dairy products) can result in magnesium deficiency, which in turn can lead to vitamin D deficiency (even if vitamin D3 supplements are taken). How nutrients are absorbed also varies individually and depends on factors such as gut flora, body constitution, age, and more.

Nutrient deficiencies have significant consequences, although the symptoms may not be immediately apparent as they can be more diffuse. These consequences can include a weakened immune system, increased susceptibility to infections, fatigue, depression, high blood pressure, heart problems, skin issues, bleeding gums, impaired wound healing, and deteriorated nail and hair quality, among others. Many common diseases today are also believed to have underlying chronic nutrient deficiencies as their root cause.

It can be easy to assume that we are getting enough nutrients when taking various supplements, but it is important to review the quantity, form, and composition of the supplements since absorption can vary greatly.

How do you then not get a nutritional deficiency?

There are many approaches. Starting with various supplements can be a good beginning.

For those who want to go even deeper, it may be worth considering a blood or hair mineral analysis to get an idea of any nutritional deficiencies. This can provide more detailed information about what deficiencies one may have.

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